Department of Physical Education


M.A, M.P.Ed, M.Phil ,Ph.D, NIS (Cert) Kabaddi Associate Professor & Head

Department of Physical Education

Physical Education is an integral part of the education process and is aimed towards the overall development of individuals – physical, mental, and social aspects.

The Institution believes in Empowering Girls through Physical Activity which will form a valid part of lifelong learning. Recognising the fact that Physical Health is important as Academic Health for Girls, we encourage them to participate in all kinds of Sports and Games.

Andhra Mahila Sabha, Arts & Science College for Women, Department of Physical Education offers a number of sports activities to help students become physically fit, develop leadership qualities and encourage a spirit of sportsmanship. The college offers regular sports coaching in the morning and evening for the students who want to compete in Osmania University Intercollegiate competitions in Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Throw ball, Tennikoit, Table Tennis, Carroms, Chess, Badminton, Yoga, Taekwondo and Athletics. The college has good infrastructural facilities for both Indoor and Outdoor games. The department has a basketball court and well-equipped Gym facilities. The Department offers FREE Three Months Certificate Course in Yoga, Taekwondo , Karate to all the students as Best Practice.

The College has NCC Open Unit Navy and Army wings from 2006 to 2023. The Cadets attend Parade in Boats Club Secunderabad, every Saturday afternoon. The Cadets participated in state camps of ATC, IUC, IGC, water awareness programs and, International Day of Yoga. National Camps of Trekking Camps, Sailing Camps, Adventures campus and RD Parade Delhi. Our Cadets represented 1 Telangana Navel Unit, Hyderabad at state and National level and brought many laurels to the College.

The following are the guidelines for sports participation

  • Students opting for sports are required to complete their Three Months Certificate course in Yoga or Martial Arts of Karate or Taekwondo (after and before college hours)
  • Students who represent the college at district, state, zonal, All India Interuniversity, National and International levels are required to have at least 50% of attendance in order to appear for the
  • Students are allowed a Retest in case of a clash between match/sports event dates and internal examination dates if they represent the college, and upon prior intimation.


Annual Report 2018-2019
Annual Report 2019-2020
Annual Report 2020-2021
Annual Report 2021-2022
Annual Report 2022-2022
