Research, Training and Consultancy Cell

Vision Circle was a forum launched in 2009 to march forward in the direction of quality teaching and learning. In order to meet the global challenges a teacher must be a constant learner and must upgrade herself to prepare the students to face the future challenges of fast changing educational requirements. The staff with great enthusiasm presented their papers through knowledge sharing sessions of vision circle. Motivated by the response college upgraded this circle to Research Training and Consultancy Cell, which will enable the faculty and students to pursue not only research activities but also training and consultancy research in better way.  The College has established a Research Training and Consultancy Cell to promote and inculcate interest in research activities among the students and staff of the college.

The Vision and Mission of the Research, Training and Consultancy Cell is to provide not only a forum for sharing research ideas on important topics and policy issues of national and international interest but also to stimulate interdisciplinary discussion to build capacities of the faculty in order to empower them to take up training as well as consultancy services across disciplines. All the Heads of departments are members of the cell who guide other faculty and students by their suggestions / inputs in carrying out research work in the college.

Following are the functions and responsibilities of RTCC

  • To organize talks by experts in different research areas and research methodology.
  • To encourage paper presentations and their publication.
  • To organize workshops/seminars/conferences for dissemination of research findings.
  • To identify potential areas of research in various disciplines.
  • To prepare and submit proposals to government agencies like UGC, ICSSR, DST etc for obtaining funding for research projects.
  • To encourage multidisciplinary research internally within the institute and externally with other organizations.
  • Encourage the staff to attend and present papers in various National/International conferences of their specialized areas.
  • To coordinate the research activities among the various departments of the college.
  • Encourage the faculty to attend various research-oriented Faculty development programmes.
  • Encourage and motivate the staff to pursue Ph.D.
  • To encourage the staff to publish their research works in reputed journals that have good impact factor with Scopus index.
  • To plan for resource mobilization through industry interaction, consultancy and Extramural funding.
  • Scrutinize the student’s project proposals and send them to various agencies for financial support and recommend the suitable projects.


Problem faced

The faculty finds it difficult to write papers with the present workload of teaching hours.

Evidence of success

As a part of its activities, the research training and consultancy cell is bringing out the News Letter “SAMANVAY” which is the first bi-annual in house inter disciplinary research news journal of the college.

Proceedings of Research Training Consultancy Cell (RTTC)

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