The Vision

  • To emerge as a ‘Quality connect’ by developing a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action towards quality enhancement through innovation, ideation, internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.

The Mission

  1. To channelise the multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach in the design of need based curriculum and its implementation and innovative changes to meet our vision of academic excellence.
  2. To stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research.
  3. To modernize the classroom experience by integrating ICT in regular teaching, learning and research and create globally competent students.
  4. To promote the basic moral, social and spiritual values necessary for holistic development in tune with our vision.
  5. To act as a change agent in the institution.


At Andhra Mahila Sabha Quality is not an Act it is a Habit. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as conceived by NAAC is an in-campus equivalent of a structure suiting our own priorities, keep in view the board guidelines formulation by NAAC. The NAAC accreditation has given in sufficient scope for streamlining the affairs of our college. The students, teachers and management are now equipped with necessary knowledge, information, skills and tools related to quality assurance, so as to enable them to understand their role in quality assurance in higher education. A conducive environment is created and a quality culture is developed in the institution.

Maintaining the momentum of quality consciousness is of crucial importance. There is no single strategy which can work on its own and therefore we need a multi-pronged strategy in overcome setbacks and barriers that come in the way of Quality Assurance and Quality Sustenance. We at AMS have the wise counsel by the members of the Academic Council, Governing Body and Board of Studies. Their experience, lessons learnt, inputs on pitfalls to be avoided, bench marks and suggestions for improvement have helped us in a big way to devise and develop plans and strategies for a safe journey on the road to Quality Enhancement. The institution today is quality enhancement. The institution today is marching ahead with its staff, students and management cautiously but effectively.

Best Practices

  1. The orientation for the First-Year students.
  2. Student feedback is collected
  3. Orientation for the newly appointed staff is conducted through seminars and meetings in a phased manner.
  4. The department with the BOS members discusses best practices at the departmental level.
  5. At the management level aided by the Academic Council and the Governing Body formulates the policy for the college as a whole.
  6. The Academic coordinator of the college meets periodically to review the academic activities of each department in order to ensure quality enhancement.
  7. Best practices, irrespective of where they originate are recorded at the IQAC and the ideas get disseminated across every function of the institution ensuring that best practices are internalized and get woven into the very fabric of the institution.

The IQAC of our college was started on 6th September 2005. The then Chairperson was Smt.A. Sita Mahalakshmi and Dr. Lalitha Kameshwari as its Coordinator.

IQAC Coordinators: Name of IQAC Coordinator



2005-2010 Dr.Lalitha Kameshwari HOD, Economics
2010-2011 Dr.G.L.K.Durga HOD, Reader in Commerce
2011-2014 Dr.G.N.Bhagya Rekha, Reader in Zoology
2014-2021 Dr.K.Karuna Devi, Associate Professor in English
2021- June 23 Dr.P.Rajya Lakshmi, Associate Professor in English
June, 2023- till Date Dr.A.Pramila , Associate Professor in Botany

Accreditation Details

S.No Cycle Grade CGPA Year of Accreditation Validity period
1 1st Cycle B+ 2005 5 years

28.02.2005 to 27.02.2010

2 2nd Cycle B 2.93 2013 5 years

23.03.2013 to 22.03.2018

3 3rd Cycle B 2.21 2018 5 years

02.11.2018 to 02.11.2023


Details of the previous year’s AQAR submitted to NAAC after the latest Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC.

2022-2023 26.05.2023
2021-2022 23.03.2022
2020-2021 06062021
2019-2020 22.01.2020
2018-2019 22.01.2020
2017-2018 28.11.2018
2016-2017 30.07.2017
2015-2016 30.07.2016
2014-2015 30.07.2015
2013-2014 30.06.2014
2013-2012 30.06.2013
2011-2012 30.06.2012



Activities of IQAC 2019-2020


In matter of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people.

                                                                                        – Albert Einstein

 Conducted Students Induction Programme for the first year students of 2019-2020 batch from 15th to 20th July 2019.

  1. The IQAC Coordinator submitted its AQAR in the month of Jan 2020.
  2. The IQAC organized Investiture Ceremony for the newly elected Students Executive Body for 2019-2020 on 06th Dec 2019.
  3. A Workshop was organized to the Administrative Staff on “Drafting Skills and Documentation” on 25th Oct 2019. The workshop was conducted by Mr.Nageshwara Rao, Retd.Administrative Staff from EFLU, Hyderabad.
  4. A Guest lecture was organized on “Positive Approach towards Mentor-Mentee” on 23rd Oct 2019, the guest speaker was Ms.P.Padma, Global Trainer.
  5. A lecture was delivered by Prof.Vishvanatham, Retd.Professor of Commerce and Motivational Speaker on “How to be a Better Teacher” to the faculty members on 21st Oct 2019.
  6. Organized a talk on “Blooms Taxonomy” on 21st Sep’2019 to the teaching faculty. The resource person was Dr.Suvarchala, Deputy IQAC Coordinator, Bhavans Vivekananda College, Sainikipuri, Hyderabad.
  7. Under IQAC “Knowledge Hub for Capacity Building” is started for faculty and students providing an active learning platform. Students are engaged in enhancing their knowledge. Cooperative learning, problem solving and project based learning are active learning strategies.
  8. Under best practices of examination branch question paper auditing was done with the Head of Departments of Osmania University in the month of Aug 2019. The reports were collected and examination branch is requested to look into the suggestions given by the HoD’s of each department.
  9. The Inter Collegiate Competitions ALOHOMORA – 2K20 was organized for two days i.e., 18th & 19th Feb 2020. The Chief Guest to the inaugural was Justice Chandraiah, Chairman, Human Rights Commission, Telangana.
  10. Open House & FETE 2020 was organized on 09th Jan 2020. The Chief Guest to the Open House was Prof. A.Roja Rani, Principal, University College for Women, Koti, OU Hyderabad. Prof.N.Vijay Bhaskar Rao, Regional Joint Directior (RJD) CCE, Hyd was the Chief Guest to FETE and Prof.Naidu Ashok, Dean, Social Sciences, Osmania University was Guest of Honor. Prof.M.Srinivas, Hon.Secretary and Correspondent inaugurated FETE 2020.
  11. A two day workshop in training on “Automation” to the office staff was organized for two day i.e., 30th and 31st Jan 2020.
  12. Wall of Gratitude was done by students as Creativity to bring Positivity.
  13. The College conducts Assembly on every Monday.