
About Examinations Section 

Our College conferred the autonomous status in 2007.As per the pre-requisites to autonomy, the Examination Branch is established. The College is affiliated to Osmania University. It is recognized as a Degree College under 2(f) and 12(B) by UGC in 1968.. The Autonomous status has been renewed since then.
The Examination Branch is headed by a Controller of Examinations. It works with the help of Additional Controllers, Computer Programmers, Office Assistants, and Data Entry Operators and other helpers.
The Examination Branch conducts the Examinations, declares the results and issues the relevant certificates to the student. It also maintains personal and academic record of all the students admitted to various courses. The Examination Branch carries its activities keeping in view the guidelines recommended by UGC/Osmania University from time to time. The Students are governed by the rules and regulations framed by the Examination Branch of this College.
The College has introduced Semester system as per the guidelines of the UGC from the academic year 2007-2008.
Choice Base Credit System (CBCS) is introduced by the College from the academic year 2011-2012 for both Undergraduates and Postgraduates in 204-15.
At present the College is offering 4 Postgraduate and 10 Undergraduate programs, Certificate Courses, SEC Courses, AECC and Generic Elective Courses. The Examination Branch of the College conducts the semester-end examinations in the College.The Semester-end Examinations are conducted by the Examination branch of the college.

Controller of ExaminationsDr.K.Kiranmai , HOD, Department of Chemistry

Additional Controller         –   G.Aparna, Lecturer in Computer Science

 Examination Evaluation System

AMS Arts & Science College for Women follows Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) integrating internal assessment along with end semester evaluation.

Under CBCS, an academic year consists of two semesters (odd and even) and performance of students is declared in terms of grades and Grade point average. The institution assesses every student’s performance by both Internal Assessment – CIA and End Semester Examination-ESE.

  • The ratio of CIA and ESE is 30:70
  • A student has to earn the minimum prescribed credits for the award of degree.
  • A 10-point absolute grade system is adopted for calculation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

Presently, based on feedback/suggestions from parent university/BOS members exam cell had deliberated the following policy revisions to be implemented from the academic year 2023-24 on wards

Assessment scheme: 70:30

End Semester Maximum  (ESE):70 marks

Duration ESE:  3hours for UG and 2hrs for PG

Passing maximum: ESE 40% and aggregate 40%

 Total Internal Assessment: The total internal assessment is out of 30 marks, distributed as follows:

  • Average of Two written Internal Tests: 15 marks
  • Assignment: 5 marks
  • Presentations: 5 marks
  • Regularity/Attendance: 5 marks as per the given table


Attendance percentage Marks










Below 65%



  • A student can appeal to the course teacher or approach the head of the Department for any clarification, regarding evaluation, immediately after receiving the valued scripts.
  • A student absent for any internal exams will lose the marks in the test.
  • No retest or improvement is conducted for internal assessment, seminars and Project Work.
  • Retest will be conducted only if a student is absent due to authorized participation in college programmes like sports, competition, NCC/NSS activities etc.

End Semester Examination

75% of attendance is compulsory for all the students to appear the end semester Examinations.

  • Condonation up to 10% may be considered by the Principal on medical grounds / on a case to case basis.
  • Passing minimum is 40% in ESE and 40% in aggregate (marks in the end semester and internal examination put together) for theory and for practicals it is 50%.
  • A student who has not cleared a paper  ( Theory or Practicals)in ESE can appear for the paper in the next even semester. All backlog exams are conducted in the even semesters.

Examination Rules

  1. Examination Fees

Students are required to pay the prescribed end semester examination fees in the Examination branch Office after submitting the examination form duly filled.

2. Examiners

The External Examiners will be appointed by the Controller of Examinations from panel of Examiners recommended by the Board of Studies of each department. The functions of the External Examiners are to set the question papers, prepare the scheme of valuation, value the answer scripts and prepare the marks lists.

 3. Revaluation

A student can appeal for  revaluation of the paper within ten full days after the announcement of results, on payment of prescribed fee. In the case of revaluation, the better of the two scores will be considered.

4.  Backlog Examinations

Backlog examinations are conducted only during even semesters.

5. Instant Exam

Provision for Instant examination has been provided to an immediate chance for the outgoing batch students to clear the last semester backlog papers . This chance is provided only to those who have got backlogs only in the last semester courses.

6. Malpractice

  • In the ESE if any student indulges in malpractice viz.
  • Caught in possession of the prohibited(written or printed )papers,books,notes during the examination period (whether used or not)/
  • Matter relevant to the examination being written on any part of the body or on the clothes worn/in the instruments/wrapping etc/
  • Attempting to take help or give help from the prohibited(written or printed) papers,books,notes,writing on walls/furniture

 Shall be debarred from appearing at the subsequent papers of the examination apart from cancelling the result of the examination in which she had indulged in malpractice.

 Declaration of Results

End Semester Examination results will be published after approval from the Result committee members, comprising Controller of examinations OU, Additional controllers of respective faculty along with the internal result committee members (within 45 days from the last examination)

  • If a student passes in all the papers of a semester, the result is declared as PASS.
  • If a student is absent for End Semester Examination, the course result is declared as ABSENT. However, her CIA marks will be carried forward.
  • Semester memorandum of marks will have only grades secured by the students in every subject.

Promotion Policy

  • If a student has he required attendance and registered for semester examination in the odd semester, she will be promoted to the next semester. There is no detention in the odd semester.
  • However, in the even semester she has to clear at least 50% of the total number of papers (theory and practicals taken together) of courses in all the previous semesters, to be promoted to the next semester. Else, she is detained
  •  Registration means submitting examination form within the prescribed time, payment of fees for the papers appearing an obtaining Hall Ticket for the said examination.

 Course Completion

  • The prescribed of number of credits to be acquired for the award of Degree
  • A student is permitted to complete her course within n+2 years duration where ‘n’ is the actual course duration.
  • During this period, even if the syllabus is revised, the candidate reappearing shall be allowed to write according to the old syllabus

 Grievances / Suggestions:

 Provisions for academic grievance is available at three levels

  • At the level of the course teacher concerned.
  • At the level of the Head of the Department,
  • At the level of the Deans, Controller of Examinations and Principal,

The grievances regarding internal assessment (CIA) shall be filed and redressed  at the first and second levels before the consolidated mark list is sent to examination branch examination . Further, if the students still are not satisfied, may approach to the third level.

Students/Parents may approach the Exam cell/meet COE for any clarifications/suggestions on any working day after 2.30p.m.

Award of Grades, SGPA, CGPA

The marks secured by the student in the internal tests and semester-end examinations are converted into SGPA and CGPA.
Grade Point is weightage allotted to each grade letter depending on the marks awarded in a course/paper.
Credit means the unit by which the course work is measured. One credit means one hour of teaching work or two/three hours of practical work per week.
Credit Points for a paper = No. of Credits assigned for the paper x Grade Point secured for that course/Paper.
SGPA indicates the performance of a student in for a given semester. SGPA is based on the total credit points earned by the student in all the courses and the total number of credits assigned to the courses/papers in that Semester.

Calculation of SGPA

  1. SGPA: ∑Credit Points
  2. Credit Points=Credit X Grade Point

Note: SGPA is computed only if the candidate passes in all the papers ( gets a minimum ‘P’ grade in all the Papers)


Range of %of marks Inference Grade Letter Grade Point
≥90 to100 Outstanding O 10
≥75 to ˂90 Excellent A+ 9
≥60 to ˂75 Very Good A 8
≥55 to ˂60 Good B+ 7
≥50 to ˂55 Above Average B 6
≥45 to ˂50 Average C 5
≥45 to ˂50 Pass D 4
≥40 to ˂45 Fail(Re-appear) F(RA) 0
˂40 Absent (Not Appeared) Ab 0



Part I – English and Second languages
Part III– SEC/GE, NSS/NCC/Sports/Certified Voluntary work(Elective Credit)
Part IV– AECC(Gender Sensitization, Indian Heritage &Culture, Environment Science.)
Marks of Additional subjects will not be considered for the award of Division.

Promotion Rule is applied only in Semester II and Semester IV

Award of Gold Medals

On completion of the Programme, toppers will be declared as follows and awarded Gold medals .

  • Faculty wise topper based on CGPA-Five toppers from U.G. – B.A., B.B.A., B.Com., B.Sc.Life Sciences, B.Sc Physical Sciences, Subject wise overall toppers (for courses under Parts I & II) are also awarded medals.

Gold Medals

Batch Name Hall Ticket Number Group
2014-2017 R.Likhitha 5115429 BSc (BtZC)
2015-2018 V.Neelima 5116449 BSc (BtZC)
2016-2019 M.Pravallika 5117306 BSc (MSCs)


Office Staff:
Mr Sai Kumar  
Ms. Nagamani

Examination Policy Document
