Department of Political Science

Department Profile


2018 – 2023

About the Department

The Department of Political Science at Andhra Mahila Sabha, Arts & Science College for Women is one of the oldest and most esteemed departments of the college, established in 1968 as the evening college and converted into a day college in 1970.

The Department of Political Science has been very active right from its inception of the college. Many senior-most faculties served in the department. The faculty in the Department of Political Science at Andhra Mahila Sabha Arts & Science College for Women is known for their expertise and dedication to student development. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in various sub-fields of political science, including international relations, understanding political theory, Indian political thinkers and western political thinkers, and global politics.

Notable Faculty Member

One notable faculty member in the Department of Political Science at Andhra Mahila Sabha, Arts & Science College for Women is Dr. Y. Vasundhara. She specializes in international relations and political thinkers. She has published several research papers on “Women Empowerment through Local Bodies in Telangana State”, “Gandhi’s vision of empowerment of the schedule castes”, etc. She is also known for her engaging teaching style and commitment to mentoring students.

Courses Offered

B.A (E/M)

  • Economics, Political Science, Public Administration (EPP)
  • Economics, Political Science, Journalism (EPJ)


  • To create political awareness among all individuals
  • To remind the youth about their rights and duties
  • To educate society in rational thinking
  • To impart knowledge about the relationship between the state, political institutions, and citizens
  • To imbibe the philosophy of great political leaders
  • To develop unity and integrity among the students and cultivate a sense of patriotism
  • To propagate socio, economic, and political changes at local, national, and international levels


  • To create awareness about the constitution and the Government
  • To educate students on functions of the state
  • To provide knowledge about liberty, equality, and fraternity
  • To enrich students about the ideology of political philosophers
  • To mold students to be responsible citizens of the country

Best Practices

  • Create awareness about the Indian Constitution
  • Celebrate Constitution Day, United Nations Organisation Day
  • Create awareness on legal rights by conducting legal awareness programs
  • Introduce a study on Durgabai Deshmukh as a certificate course
  • Introduce Psephology and public opinion as a certificate course
  • Introduce Human Rights as a certificate course
  • Create awareness on projects and conduct project work for final-year students
  • Encourage newspaper reading and article collection on recent trends in political issues

Uniqueness of the Department

  • The department integrates knowledge from various disciplines like history, economics, sociology, and law to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of political structures and systems.
  • The department focuses on research in areas such as public policy, governance, international relations, political theory, and comparative politics.
  • Guides student projects and evaluates projects from other government colleges.
  • Encourages students to attend and present papers in seminars, conferences, projects, and internships with governmental and non-governmental organizations, providing practical exposure.
  • The department keeps pace with contemporary political developments, ensuring that the curriculum is up-to-date and relevant to global and national changes.
  • Faculty members with unique expertise, publications, or real-world political experience (e.g., former diplomats, policy advisors, or political consultants) elevate the department’s profile and provide mentorship opportunities for students.
  • A focus on inclusivity in political discourse, representation of marginalized groups, and global south perspectives within the curriculum promotes a more diverse understanding of political dynamics.

Innovative Ideas

  • Indian Constitution reading by students every Monday
  • Special student projects on the five worst corruption cases in 28 Indian states
  • Current affairs reading by students every Saturday

Programmes Offered

  1. B.A (EPP) – Economics, Political Science, Public Administration
  2. B.A (EPMCJ) – Economics, Political Science, Mass Communication & Journalism

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC)

  • Environmental Studies (Semester I)
  • Basic Computer Skills (Semester II)

Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

  • Professional Skills – SEC I (UGC Specified Course) – Semester III
  • Psephology and Public Opinion – SEC II(A) – Department Specified Course – Semester III
  • Human Rights – SEC II(B) – Department Specified Course – Semester III
  • Universal Human Values – SEC III – UGC Specified Course – Semester IV
  • Legislative Practices and Procedures – SEC IV(A) – Department Specified Course – Semester IV
  • Laws, Duties, and Rights of Citizens – SEC IV(B) – Department Specified Course – Semester IV

Generic Elective Course (GE)

  1. Politics of Development

Programme Objectives (POs)

The B.A in Political Science program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of political theories, systems, and practices. The course objectives are designed to prepare students for a wide array of professional scenarios where an understanding of political dynamics is crucial. The objectives include:

  • To provide a thorough understanding of different political systems and governance structures globally.
  • To develop critical thinking and analytical skills to evaluate political events and trends.
  • To understand the Indian Constitution and its framework.
  • To impart knowledge on the dynamics of international relations and global political issues.
  • To prepare students for careers in public administration, policy formulation, and diplomacy.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Community Engagement and Global Understanding
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Literacy and Communication
  • Evaluate and Conduct Research
  • Depth and Breadth of Understanding
  • Professional Development and Ethical Behavior

Value Added Courses

  1. Durgabai Deshmukh Studies
  2. Gandhian Studies

Certificate Courses

  1. A study on Durgabai Deshmukh
  2. Psephology and Public Opinion
  3. Human Rights

Members in the Department

S.No Name of the Faculty Designation Experience
1 Dr. Y. Vasundhara Head & Associate Professor of Political Science 24 Years


Present Composition of Board of Studies (BoS)

S.No Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Dr. Y.Vasundhara Head & Associate Prof. of Political Sci AMS, Arts & Science College for Women, Osmania University Campus,


2 Dr.M.Krishna Kumar Associate Prof. of Political Science, Dept. of Political Science, Osmania University (University Nominee)
3 Dr.G. Krishnaih Asst.Prof. of Political Science Kakatiya University, Warangal

Telangana State

(Subject Expert)
4 Dr. V.Bhumaiah Asst.Prof.of Political Science Palamuru University Mahabubnagar Telangana State (Subject Expert)
5 U N B Raju Sr. Vice President – Corporate HR Aurobindo Pharma Limited Raidurg Panmaktha, R.R.District,

Telangana State



6 A.Manisha M. A Political Science Nizam College, Basheerbagh Hyderabad, Telangana State ( Alumni)

Highlights of the Department

Research Paper Publications

S.No Date & & Yea Paper Title Journal ISSN Impact Facto
1 August 2007 Terrorism National Journall Orient Journal of Law and Social


ISSN: 0973-7480

volume- I, ,

Issue – 9

2 September, 2007 Globalization National Journal, Orient Journal of Law and Social



Volume- I, Issue:10

3 December,2007 Reconstruction of UNO – Permanent Membership to India Yojana ISSN: 0091:


4 January           – March, 2008 Global  Warming-World Problem Telugu Scientific Journal Issue ; 37
5 3. August, 2008 Indian National movement National Journal Yojana ISSN: 0091:8729
6 4. September,


Changing Trends i the Society- Tea

Student Relationsh

National Journal Yojana ISSN: 0091:8729
7 February, 2012 World   Trade rganization- Role of India Yojana ISSN: 0091:8729
8 8. January


Gandhis vision   of empowerment of               the


International    Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research Valume 5, Issue 1 (3) ISSN: 2277-7881  

IC Value :

5.16 :


Value 2.286

9 April 2017 Maternal Health problems      of Dalit    women in    Telangana state


International    Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Volume 6, Issue 4 (8) ISSN: 2277-7881 4.527:

IC Value :

5.16 :

ISI Value 2.286

10 9. April – June 2018 women      and Gender Studies International Multidisciplinary Journal Mahila Pratishta,

Volume 4, Issue 4

ISSN: 2454-7891 2.1797UGC

Approved Journal No :


11 August, 2019 Women Empowermen t          Through Local Bodies in    Telangana


International    Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Volume 6, Issue 8( 6) ISSN: 2277-7881 6.014 : IC

Value : 5.16

: ISI Value 2.286

12 10. December,


Caste   and

Society in Contemporary India : Social Perspective “

Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research,

Volume : 9, Issue : 12

( 8)

ISSN: 2277-7881 6.514 :

IC   Value    : 5.16

:ISI,Value 2.286

13 Aug, 2022 to

Jan 2023

Nehru’s Soviet Policy: Independence, Public  Sector


High Tech Research Analysis 2231-6671 6.70
14 Sep    2021    to

Feb, 2022

China’s Defence    and Military Capabilities – An


Universal Research Analysis 2229-4406 6.10


Minor Research Project

Dr. Y.Vasundhara, Head, Department of Political Science has Completed U.G.C Funded Minor Research Project Entitled “Evaluation of women reservation in local bodies with special reference to Ranga Reddy District”( from November 2013 to July 2015, Link No.4116).

Student Projects

B.A (EPP) III Year, Semester – VI Project Work for the Batch 2019-22

S.No Roll Number Name of the student Title of the Project
1 1058-20-111-001 T.Supriya India’s Relations with its neighbours
2 1058-20-111-007 Nazmeen begum E-Governance geographical
3 1058-20-111-009 Farahana begum GHMC Its working and contributions
4 1058-20-111-010 G.Soumya rani Cyber security
5 1058-20-111-011 Koradala Anusha Prime Minister
6 1058-20-111-012 Y.Yamini sidhu Urban and Rural infrastructure
7 1058-20-111-014 R.M Priyadarshini A    Study    environmental    pollution    with reference to Musi river
8 1058-20-111-021 Challa Ramya Urban reforms in India
9 1058-20-111-022 A.Madhavi Environmental issues
10 1058-20-111-026 A.Manisha Urban disaster management
11 1058-20-111-028 Kota Archana A study on mid-day meal scheme with reference to Telangana state
12 1058-20-111-030 Asima begum A    study    on    women    empowerment    in education and employment
13 1058-20-111-031 Pragnya Chole Role of women and women’s organization
14 1058-20-111-036 Chakinala Ravalika Educational and social change
15 1058-20-111-037 Macharla Vani Gender sensitization in India
16 1058-20-111-038 Macharla Lavanya Gender sensitization in India
17 1058-20-111-042 T.Lavanya A study on mission Kakatiya with reference to Telangana
18 1058/-20-111-045 Kushi Gupta Diversity of Telangana
19 1058-20-111-046 N.Rajeshwari Constitutional amendment act with reference to a particular case 74th amendment act A case study of Hyderabad municipal corporation
20 1058-20-111-048 B.Aruna A Study on impact of She team scheme of

Telangana state

21 1058-20-111-049 Balda Sravanthi Governance and inclusive growth in Jamuna and Kashmir
22 1058-20-111-050 Pallikonda Sirisha President powers and functions
23 1058-20-111-053 Salakaneeti


Health ministry of Telangana State
24 1058-20-111-059 Keerthi Kalyani Swachh Bharath Abhiyan
25 1058-20-111-060 Neha Thanweer Governance initiatives in Telangana-Meeseva


B.A III Year, Semester- VI Project Work for the batch 2020-2023

S.No Roll No Name of the Student Title
1 1058-21-111-001 E.Pranathi E-Governace Intiatives in Telangan Meeseva
2 105821-111-003 K.Urvasi Telugu Desam Party
3 1058-21-111-004 Manga Swetha Aricle 356 and its Functioning
4 1058-21-111-006 P. Anjali World War 1 and its impact on World
5 1058-21-111-008 K.Madhavi Telangana Rastra Samithi and its functioning
6 1058-21-111-009 G Jahnavi Emergency Loss in India – A critical Analysis
7 1058-21-111-010 Atika Tabassum Domestic Violance Against Women
8 1058-21-111-011 G.Shreni A Study of Human Rights in Education
9 1058-21-111-013 K.Ankitha Telangana Movement – Role of students
10 1058-21-111-015 Yampalla Sahithi Powers and Functions of Prime Minister under Constitution of India
11 1058-21-111-017 Sakshi Kumari Environmental Issues in India
12 1058-21-111-018 K. Aishwarya Indian National Movement- Role of Women Leaders
13 1058-21-111-019 G.Varshita A study on India after Independence
14 1058-21-111-026 Noori YSSR Government Schemes – An over View
15 1058-21-111-028 K. Chandanasri A study on Corruption in India
16 1058-21-111-029 Jangam Bhavani Telangana Movement and Formation of Telanganaa State
17 1058-21-111-033 Myakala Madhusha A study on Role of Caste in Indian Politics
18 1058-21-11-034 K.Thanishka Indian National Congress and its functioning
19 1058-21-111-035 Ch.Kruthika India’s Foreign Policy
20 1058-21-111-037 Kolanu Supraja Dr.BR.Ambedkar and his contribution
21 1058-21-111-038 G.Srigayathri A Study on India relation with China
22 1058-21-111-041 T.Akshitha Durgabai Deshmuk and Women Empowerment
23 1058-21-111-042 Yasmeen Begum Globalization and its impact on third world countries
24 1058-21-111-043 G. Rajamani Domestic Violance Against Women
25 1058-21-111-044 S. Keerthi Chandana Manusmriti- A critical Analysis
26 1058-21-111-045 Harika YSRCP Schemes under the Jagan Government
27 1058-21-111-046 M.Lokeshwari Federalism in India
28 1058-21-111-048 P. Sai Vaishnavi A to Z Schemes of Narendra Modi
29 1058-21-111-049 P.Bhavani Bharatiya Janata Party under Modi Government
30 1058-21-111-050 M.sanjana reddy A Study on Evolution of Political Parties
31 1058-21-111-052 M. Jahnavi Fundamental Rights and its implication
32 1058-21-111-053 Masira Fathima Durgabai Deshmuk -Empowerment of Women
33 1058-21-111-059 Y.Sravanthi YSRCP Schemes under the Jagan Government
34 1058-21-111-062 G.Bhargavi World War 2 and its impact on International Relations
35 1058-21-111-063 A N Rachana sri Theories of Caste: Gandhi and Ambedkar
36 1058-21-111-064 G. Bhavana United Nations Organization and its role in promoting world peace
37 1058-21-111-065 Ch Sandhya Rani A study on Indian Politics
38 1058-21-111-066 E. Pravallika Jagannath Violence against Women
39 1058-21-111-073 N.Sindhu Reddy Role of Kalvakuntla Chandrashekhar Rao in Telangana Movement
40 1058-21-111-075 N.S. Gayatri World Health Organization -Its functioning in India
41 1058-21-132-001 Satya Gowri Role of Religion in Indian Politics
42 1058-21-132-002 G.Akhila Telangana Movement
43 1058-21-068-001 B.Apuroopa Right to Property


B.A (EPP) IIIrd Year, Semester- VI Project Work for the batch 2021-24 Batch

S.No Roll Number Name of the Student Title of the Project
1 1058-20-111-001 T.Supriya India’s relations – with its neighbours”
2 1058-20-111-011 K.Sravya Sree Tourism and international terrorist groups
3 1058-20-111-019 K. Sandhya Jyothi Rao Phule and his contribution for lower caste people
4 1058-22-111-024 M.Maheshwari Research on article 370
5 1058-22-111-033 G.Nishitha Reddy A Sudy on re-imagination Indian education
6 1058-22-111-035 Bhavani Pavithra A Study on functions and responsibilities of central Government
7 1058-21-111-036 V.Sridevi A Study on Jyothi Rao Phule
8 1058-22-111-037 M.Mounika The Study of Indian foreign policy
9 1058-22-111-038 P.Shravani Reflections on law and society
10 1058-22-111-039 B.Shivani Bharatiya Janata party politics and programmes
11 1058-22-111-040 G.Alekhya Ambedkar and his contribution for lower cast people
12 1058-22-111-041 G.Vaishnavi Challenges to international security through communication networks
13 1058-22-111-042 M.Navya A Study on Indian constitution an over view
14 1058-22-111-046 K.Shirisha Indian Polity and Government
15 1058-22-111-047 T.Bhoomika singh Environmental Pollutions
16 1058-22-111-048 K.Chandana The role of mahatma Gandhi in Indian National Movement –An overview
17 1058-22-111-049 P.Anitha Election process and representative
18 1058-22-111-050 G.Swathi Salient features of the representative of people’s act
19 1058-22-111-051 A.Ashwini The future of India :Exploring the role of youth in Indian politics
20 1058-22-111-055 B.Srija Goud A study on role of media in politics
21 1058-22-111-057 B.Jyoshna A study on “International relations
22 1058-22-111-058 S.Avanthika Elections and parties
23 1058-22-111-059 G.Poojitha Modern Indian history
24 1058-22-111-065 Sanjana Singh A  study  on  role  of  press  and  media  in democracy
25 1058-21-111-072 K.Kavari A study on Durgabai Dheshmukh project


Intercollegiate Workshops organised NIL

Guest Lectures Organised

S.No Name of the Resource Person Topic Date & Year
1 Dr. Ravi Kumar , Lecturer in Political Science, Indira Priyadashini, Govt.Degree College for Women, Nampally,
Cold War- It’s impact on international Relations 26-7-2018
2 Dr. M. Krishna Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Koti Women College, OU Role of UNO in Promoting world peace 13-2-2019
3 K.Srinivas, Head & Assistant Prof. in Political Science, A.V College, Domalguda, Hyderabad Multiculturalism – A Critique 28-6-2019
4 P.Venkata Ramana, Assistant Professor in Political Science Govt. Degree College, Chevella, R.R.Dist. Dr.B.R. Ambedkar- Annihilation of Cate 27-2-2020
5 R.Chandjru,Head Professor of Political Science, University College Arts & Social Sciences, Oamania University, Hyderabad Project Work 27-2-2023
6 Prof.P.V Rao, National Fellow, Emeritus Prof. of Political Science, Osmania University India’s Foreign Policy- G20 Diplomacy 8-8-2023
7 Dr.P.Rajani, Hon.ble Secretary & Correspondent Life Skills 11-9-2023
8 Prof.J.L.N Rao, Professor ( Rtd), Senior Fellow, ICSSR and Director for, Institute of Indo- Pacific Studies Kautilya’s State Craft 13-9-2023
9 Bibhudhendu Das, Head, Dept.of Political Science Bhavans Vivekananda College of Science, Humanities & Commerce, Sainikpuri, Secundrabad. Human Rights and its agencies 29-02-2024
10 Prof.J.L.N Rao, Professor ( Rtd), Senior Fellow, ICSSR and Director for Institute of Indo-Pacific Studies India’s Foreign Policy – Transition fro Idealism to Realism 13-9-2024
11. Prof.P.V Rao, National Fellow, Emeritus Prof. of Political Science, Osmania University India and her neighbours 23-9-2024


Organised Pannel Discussion

S.No Date Activity No.of                    stud


1. 29-1-2019 Department of Political Science Organized a panel discussion on “ Durgabai Deshmukh- Pioneer among the Champions for thecause of the Women and Children 200


Outreach Activities

Faculty of Social Sciences along with 35 B.A(EPP) IIIrd students Visited Sales Force Company, Raidurg on 23 January, 2024.

Awareness Programmes


S. No Title of the programme Date Number of Participants
1 Domestic Violence against Women 22/06/2018 33
2 Legal Awareness 29/08//2018 112
3 Gender Equality 18/12/2018 37
4 Women Property Rights in India 29/12/2018 25
5 Panel Discussion on Durgabai Deshmukh – Pioneer among the Champions for the cause of Women and Children in India 29/01/2019 144



S.No Title of the Programme Date Number of Participants
1 Flash Mob &Street play –awareness programme on violence against women 21/06/2019 160
2 Protection of Marriage System 03/09/2019 30
3 Challenges of Gender Equality 11/10/2019 35
4 Balanced Women’s Participation in Decision Making 12/11/2019 32
5 Para Legal Training Programme 29/02/2020 120



S.No Title of the programe Date Number of Participants
1. Domestic Violence Against Women (Online Mode) 22/09/2020 60
2. Awareness Programme on Breast Cancer(Online Mode) 03/10/2020 55
3. Awareness Programme on PCOD (Online Mode) 12/11/2020 37
4. Empowerment of women in the Globalization era-Road Ahead 08/03/2021 123
5. Gender Sensitivity Through the Works of Literature 12/05/2021 28



S.No Title of the Programme Date Number of Participants
1.  Safety and Security of Women 24/08/2021 80
2 Women Property Rights 28/09/2021 32
3 Gender Sensitization and equality 21/12/2021 80
4. Save Girl Child Day 25/1/2022 26
5. Awareness programme on Adolescent Gynaecological Problem 27/5/2022  42



S.No Title of the programme Date Number of Participants
1 World Suicide Prevention Day  





8-Elements of wellness






Orange Day





4 Women Equality Rights 25-02-2023 31
5 Awareness program on HPV, HPV Vaccine, and

Cervical Cancer (Online)






State Level Project Evaluation

  • External Evaluator for Jignasa 2019 first level evaluation of student study projects at Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad on 28th December, 2019.
  • External Evaluator for Jignasa project college level presentation in Government Degree College for Women, Begumpet on 7th December, 2022.
  • Evaluated B.A (Political Science) III Year, Semester – VI students’ projects at Bhavan’s Vivekananda College of Science, Humanities & Commerce, Sainikpuri, Secunderabad, Telangana State, Hyderabad on 26th April, 2023.
  • State Level Evaluator for Jiangsu-Student Study Project in Political Science and Public Administration for the Academic Year 2022-23 appointed by Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, Government of Telangana.
  • State Level Evaluator for Jiangsu-Student Study Project in Political Science for the Academic Year 2023-24 appointed by Commissionerate of Collegiate Education, Government of Telangana.

Faculty as Resource Person

S.No Name of the Faculty Name of the Institution Topic Date
1 Dr. Y. Vasundhara Society for Telangana State Network (SOFTNET) invited as Faculty for Gurukula Udyoga Guide Live Programme Political Thought 15-7-2023

Book Release and Conferences Attended

  • Dr. (Smt.) K. Jhansi Rani, Principal I/c and Dr. (Smt.) Y. Vasundhara, Head and Associate Prof. of Political Science B.A students attended the book release function of “Swatantra Samaramlo Vvignana Sashtram” at ICMR, National Institute of Nutrition, Tarnaka on 15th April, 2023.
  • Dr. (Smt.) Y. Vasundhara, Head and Associate Prof. of Political Science, and G. Hima Bindu, Head, Dept. of Economics attended the “Capacity Development Programme” at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad on 27-4-2023.
  • Dr. (Smt.) Y. Vasundhara, Head and Associate Prof. of Political Science, G. Hima Bindu, Head, Dept. of Economics, along with 11 B.A (EEP) IIIrd Year students attended the Winning Edge Project programme organized by the United Way of Hyderabad on 11th September, 2024.

Organized Gandhi Bhavan Meetings

S.No Date Organised by
1 13.09.2019 Faculty of Social Sciences
2 11.11.2022 Faculty of Social Sciences
3 30.1.2023 Faculty of Social Sciences
4 9.11.2023 Faculty of Social Sciences
5 9.8.2024 Faculty of Social Sciences

Organized Aalokan Social Sciences Seminar

S.No Date Resource Person Organised by
1 19-4-2023 Prof. G. Haragopal, Prof (Rtd), Department of Political Science, University of Hyderabad Faculty of Social Sciences

Organized International Conference

S.No Paper Title Organised by Date
1 Collaborated and organized Three Day International Conference on “Higher Education and Sustainable Development” Department of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana 23-25 March, 2023

All India Conferences Attended

S.No Title Organised by Date
1 Attended one day All India Women Academician Conference Envisioning New Bharat Tagore Auditorium, Osmania University, Hyderabad 21st September, 2024

Workshops Attended

S.No Date Topic Organised by
1 8-03-2018 One Day National Workshop on “Human Values & Professional Ethics” The Andhra Mahila Sabha, Arts & Science College for Women, Hyderabad
2 27th-29th March, 2018 Three Day National Workshop on “Study of Indian Politics – Methodological Issues” Department of Political Science, University College of Arts & Social Sciences, Osmania University, Hyderabad
3 25th November, 2019 One Day National Level Workshop on “Relevance of Social Sciences in the Age of Technology” St. Francis College for Women, Hyderabad
4 28th & 29th August, 2019 Two Day Workshop on “New Syllabus in Political Science at UG Level” Department of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad
5 19th-21st January, 2023 Three Day Workshop on “Faculty Orientation in Political Science Discipline” Department of Political Science, University College of Arts & Social Sciences, Osmania University, Hyderabad
6 24th August, 2024 One Day Workshop and Training Programme on “Build, Launch & Grow” NSS Units, St. Francis College for Women, Hyderabad

National Service Scheme Activities (NSS)

  • Organized “District Level Red Ribbon Club Programme” in collaboration with NSS Cell, Osmania University, at Andhra Mahila Sabha, Arts & Science College for Women, Hyderabad on 31st August, 2024.
  • Organized a plantation programme under NSS Unit-IV in the College Campus on 13-9-2024.
  • Participated in State Level NSS Foundation Day Programme in association with Telangana State NSS Cell and NSS Cell Osmania University at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Library, Osmania University with 230 NSS Volunteers on 24th September, 2024.
  • Organized Swachhata Hi Seva Programme with 40 NSS Volunteers near Shivam Road on 1-10-2024.

Faculty Development Programme

  • Participated in one day Faculty Development Programme on “Outcome Based Education in Management Studies” organized by Andhra Mahila Sabha School of Informatics on 13th September, 2024.

Field Visits

The Andhra Mahila Sabha, Arts & Science College for Women organized an Entrepreneurship visit to Technological Hub (T-Hub) on 12th October, 2023. Around 130 ELDP students (IIM Lucknow 67, IIM Udaipur 27, ICIIT Patna 36) with 9 faculty members attended the programme. T-Hub is a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship that fosters the growth of startups and emerging technology companies. During the visit, students had the opportunity to tour the facility, meet with key personnel, and gain insights into various programs and initiatives supported by T-Hub.

Highlights of T-Hub Visit

  • Understanding T-Hub’s mission and vision in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Gaining insights into the programs, services, and facilities offered to startups.
  • Meeting with key personnel, entrepreneurs, and startups residing in T-Hub.
  • Assessing the impact and success stories of startups incubated at T-Hub.

T-Hub Support Programs

  • Accelerator Programs: T-Hub runs accelerator programs in partnership with leading corporations and organizations to help startups accelerate their growth.
  • Incubation Support: Startups receive mentorship, guidance, and access to resources to help them succeed.
  • Access to Investors: T-Hub connects startups with a network of local and international investors.
  • Innovation Labs: The facility houses labs and innovation spaces for product development and research.

Students also met with key personnel like Srinivas Taluka, Facilitator of T-Hub, and Vibhuthi Jain from Mandia Village, Madhya Pradesh, who shared her startup journey and success story. These interactions provided valuable knowledge to the students.

Student Internships


IV. Paper Presentation in Seminars

S.No Int. Seminar Topic Organised by Date
1 Presented paper in Three day International Conference Higher Education and Sustainable Development Department of Political Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana 23-25 March, 2023


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

S.No MoU with Date of signing MoU Activity taken up Date of Activity
1 Between Department of Political Science, Andhra Mahila Sabha Arts & Science College for Women and Anwarul Uloom College, New Mallepally, Hyderabad 18-7-2023 Guest Lecture 04/08/2023
2 Between Department of Political Science, Andhra Mahila Sabha Arts & Science College for Women and St. Pious Degree & PG College for Women, Autonomous, Nacharam, Hyderabad 14-8-2023 Guest Lecture 27/09/2023


Books Authored: NIL

amscollegeDepartment of Political Science