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Breast Cancer Awareness

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“Early Detection & Prevention of Breast Cancer”

 Andhra Mahila Sabha Arts and Science College for women in collaboration with Department of Genetics ,University College of Science Osmania University organized “Community Outreach Program” Breast Cancer Awareness theme “Early Detection And Prevention Of Breast Cancer” on 22nd June 2023 MV Hall from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The chief guest for the program was Prof.M.Vijjulatha Incharge, Vice Chancellor, Telangana Mahila VishwaVidyalayam, Hyderabad and the Guest of honor was Dr Lopamudra Das Roy Founder and President of Breast Cancer Hub, USA. They both enlighten the participants on Breast cancer awareness and early detection with primary screening methods. Highlighted on detection test and the importance about mammography, 3D mammography and ultrasound etc.Risk factors associated with breast cancer, genetic inheritance, Prevention methods like regulation exercise, meditation, yoga & healthy habits etc

And the convener of the program is Prof.H. Surekha Rani ,Head, Department of genetics, Dr Jhansi Rani Principal of Andhra Mahila Sabha Arts and Science College , Coordinator -Dr Sandhya Assistant professor , Organizing Secretary Mrs P Sandhya Rani Assistant professor organizing committee members are Dr.Parameshwari,Ms.Jaya Madhuri,NSS Unit –I,II,III and the other distinguish guest attended the program are Dr. Rajani Secretary and Correspondent,  Sri.D. Chakrapani Chairman (Retired IAS), Prof. Jayashree Vice Principal University College of Science and other guest from university. Around more than 300 students have attended and participated the program. All sister institution of AMS have also participated.




amscollegeBreast Cancer Awareness