

As an autonomous institution, the college has the freedom to design its own evaluation scheme. The examination system is based on continuous assessment during a semester and an end-semester examination that is evaluated externally. The continuous assessment pattern spans an array of testing methods such as quizzes, group discussions, assignments and presentations, all designed to measure the learning outcome of students. The ratio of internal to external assessment is 20:80.


Attendance Requirements

A student is permitted to take the end semester examination in all the subjects only if she has put in at least 75% attendance.

However, there is a provision for condonation of attendance to the extent of 10% for the student on medical grounds and on payment of a prescribed fee along with medical certificate.

End-Semester Examination

A student is permitted to take the end semester examination in all the subjects only if she has put in at least 75% attendance in each subject. The end-semester examination is a comprehensive written examination lasting 3 hours and is evaluated for 80 marks. The question papers are set and the answer papers evaluated by external examiners.

  • Declaration of Results

Results of end-semester examinations will be declared within 45 days from the date of the last examination.

  • Supplementary Examination

Students who have failed in the end-semester examination can take the supplementary examinations in alternative semester only along with respective end semester exam.

  • Supplementary exam may not be taken more than twice for a subject under the same syllabus.

Our College conferred the autonomous status in 2007.As per the pre-requisites to autonomy, the Examination Branch is established. The College is affiliated to Osmania University. It is recognized as a Degree College under 2(f) and 12(B) by UGC in 1968.. The Autonomous status has been renewed since then.
The Examination Branch is headed by a Controller of Examinations. It works with the help of Additional Controllers, Computer Programmers, Office Assistants, and Data Entry Operators and other helpers.
The Examination Branch conducts the Examinations, declares the results and issues the relevant certificates to the student. It also maintains personal and academic record of all the students admitted to various courses. The Examination Branch carries its activities keeping in view the guidelines recommended by UGC/Osmania University from time to time. The Students are governed by the rules and regulations framed by the Examination Branch of this College.
The College has introduced Semester system as per the guidelines of the UGC from the academic year 2007-2008.
Choice Base Credit System (CBCS) is introduced by the College from the academic year 2011-2012 for both Undergraduates and Postgraduates in 204-15.
At present the College is offering 4 Postgraduate and 10 Undergraduate programs, Certificate Courses, SEC Courses, AECC and Generic Elective Courses. The Examination Branch of the College conducts the semester-end examinations in the College.The Semester-end Examinations are conducted by the Examination branch of the college.
A Candidate should score a minimum of 40% in each theory papers and 50% in each for practical papers to qualify a general pass.
Semester and Consolidated Memorandum of Marks is issued by the Examination Branch. Under CBCS, the Memorandum of Marks /Grade Report is issued at the end of each semester to the student reflecting the credits and grade letter in each paper following heads as:

Part I – English and Second languages
Part III– SEC/GE, NSS/NCC/Sports/Certified Voluntary work(Elective Credit)
Part IV– AECC(Gender Sensitization, Indian Heritage &Culture, Environment Science.)
Marks of Additional subjects will not be considered for the award of Division.

Promotion Rule is applied only in Semester II and Semester IV .

Controller of Examinations – Dr.K.Kiranmai 

Additional Controller –          G.Aparna

Office Staff:
Mr Sai Kumar  
Ms. Nagamani

Examination Policy Document
